Large numbers of embryos sold to Latvia

Thank You to Bruzila Genetics in Latvia for purchasing a large number of embryos from many of our top cows. These matings are selected to enhance the Hereford breed in Latvia as well as bringing outcross genetics to the country.
The list of dams include females such as
Moeskaer Kashmir, Champion of Europe, Danish National Grand Champion Female, sister to World Champion Bull Moeskaer Compass
Moeskaer Poker Face, our new incredible donor cow. This cow will be heard a lot from in the future
Moeskaer Kema, the dam of countless number of Champions
Moeskaer Ripley, a Champion who produces Champions
Moeskaer Flora, one of our top producing cows with offspring sold to all over Europe
and several others
Sires of the embryos include sires such as Moeskaer Compass, Moeskaer pacman, Remitall Pilgrim and many more