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Moeskær Pacman 1417

Moeskær Pacman 1417

HY-fri, Homozygot Polled

Harvie Traveller 69T
Harvie Tailor Made
Harvie Ms Firefly 51F
Harvie Ladies Man 4L
Harvie Ms Perfection 30P
Har Gwen Marvel 6G
Fds. vægt: 43 kg.
200 dg. vægt:435 kg.
365 dg. vægt:720 kg.
Frame score:8

Champion Bull of Europe

Danish National Grand Champion Bull, The National Show

Danish Winter National Grand Champion Bull, Agromek


Moeskaer Pacman is the most succesful Danish Hereford bull of all times. He has dominated the showring like no other and his offspring is dominating the showring like no other. Take a look at the accomplishments of Pacman and his offspring. It's simply outstanding and record breaking.

Pacman himself is an impressive beast. Big, dark and as powerful as they come. His eye-appeal, muscling, lenght and overall dimension makes him very impressive.

Pacman is sought after all world wide. Top breeders from across globe are using Pacman with success. From Europe to Australia and USA. 



En vinder som avlere vindere! Moeskær Pacman 1417 er nok den mest succesfulde Herefordtyr i Danmark. Aldrig tidligere har en tyr vundet så meget for derefter at avle afkom, som vinder lige så meget.

Pacman har selv vundet alt herhjemme og det samme har hans afkom. Han er tilmed kåret til den bedste i Europa og det samme er hans afkom! Endda adskillige gange! 

Moeskær Pacman er meget mørk tyr med fantastisk kødfylde og tilvækst. Han er samtidig en tyr med masser af eye-appeal og kapacitet. Grand Champion på både Landsskuet og Agromek taler sit tydelige sprog om hans kvaliteter.

Pacman har evnen til at give sine kvaliteter videre til sit afkom. Hans afkom har nemlig domineret skuerne i en uhørt grad. Her er et udpluk:

Pacman er en verdensklassetyr, som har opnået resultater uden sidestykke. Hans evne til at avle afkom af høj kvalitet er ganske enkelt i særklasse. 

Show results Pacman offspring:

Two-time Champion of Europe

Danish National Champion of All Breeds, The National Show

Two-time Supreme Champion Hereford, The Natinal Show

Two-time Grand Champion Female, The National Show

Reserve Grand Champion Female (double win), The National Show

Grand Champion Female, Herefordshow Holbæk

Reserve Grand Champion Hundyr (double win), Herefordshow Holbæk

Best Pair Offspring, Herefordskuet Holbæk

Champion of All Breeds, Horsens Show

Supreme Champion Hereford, Horsens Show

Champion Offspring Group, The National Show